Researcher Information
Department / Course
Fukushima University Campus Facilities Institute of Environmental Radioactivity
Project Lecturer
Academic conference presentation
Detection of Radioactive Strontium-90 From Small Bio-Samples Using TIMS (ICRP2023 7th International symposim of the system of radiological protection)
Establishing in-vitro dose-response curves for dicentric aberration frequency in wild boar lymphocytes (International Symposium on Natural and Artificial Radiation Exposure and Radiological Protection Studies (NARE2023))
Pilot study to directly estimate radiation induced mutation in large Japanese field mouse duo sample, mother and offspring, by ddRAD sequencing (International Symposium on Natural and Artificial Radiation Exposure and Radiological Protection Studies (NARE2023))
Problems for storing and sharing wildlife samples collected after the FDNPP accident: Acquired data and analysis tools to improve collaborative efforts
Radiocesium accumulation in wild boar from Fukushima and construction of dose-response curves to evaluate radiation exposure by dicentric chromosome analysis
Radiocesium contamination in wild mouse in Fukushima, Japan, (EGU General Assembly 2021)
Radioecological research murine Rodents from Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant Cooling pond’s drained bed (ICRP International Conference on Recovery After a Nuclear Accident)
Radiation effects on wild mice inhabiting in difficult-to-return area; DNA lesion and prospect for evaluation of genetic impact in next-generation (The 63th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Radiation Research Society (WorkShop: Radiation effects on non-human biota after the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident))
Radioecological research of dewatered Chernobyl cooling pond bottom. (XХVІI annual. Science. conf. INR NASU)
Radioecology characteristics of small rodents local population from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant cooling pond under decommission. (Annual Scientific Conference Institute for Nuclear Research)
Energy requirement of Middendorf's bean geese and carrying capacity in Fukushima lagoon and the surrounding paddy fields. (5th International Wildlife Management Congress)
Response to oxidative stress of the Japanese field mouse living in the site contaminated by radioactive substances. (5th International Wildlife Management Congress)
Diet analysis using DNA barcoding from feces of the Japanese Crested Ibis, Nipponia Nippon, for the habitat management of reintroduced species. (26th International Ornithological Congress)
Energy requirement of Middendorf’s Bean Geese and carrying capacity in Fukushima lagoon and the surrounding paddy fields. (26th International Ornithological Congress)
Foraging habitat selection by overwintering Middendorf’s Bean Geese, Anser fabalis middendorffii, around Fukushima lagoon, Japan. (26th International Ornithological Congress)
Phylogenetic background of hibernation and hibernation-specific proteins in Sciuridae. (14th International Hibernation Symposium)
Effect of dioxin pollution on population structure in the Japanese field mouse, Apodemus speciosus, using a molecular indicator related to dioxin sensitivity. (12th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (Special Biomonitoring Session))
Effect of dioxin on wild mice population _ an approach from adaptive evolution using an indicator related to dioxin sensitivity. (BIT’s 1st Annual World Congress of Marine Biotechnology (Session for Young scientists))
Functional differences in aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) polymorphism in Japanese field mice (Apodemus speciosus) exposed to dioxin. (30th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants)
Effects of dioxins on Japanese field mice, Apodemus speciosus _ polymorphism and function of AhR related to dioxin sensitivity. (The 9th International Mammalogical Congress)